The FROMATEC cheese vats have a unique design including bi-circular shape, mixing tools with specific cinematic and cutter device utilizing razor blades. Those vats are closed, insulated, jacketed and cleanable in place.
Several serum draining alternatives are proposed to suit your specific needs.
Proposed as option, the LOGIVAT Software has been specifically developed by Pierre Guerin to automatically manage your recipes and ensure production traceability.
FROMATEC Cheese vats
The perfect solution for your cheese processing
The quality of the cheese produced through the use of FROMATEC vats has helped build the reputation of this equipment:
- The razor blades cutter allows for an optimum homogeneity of the curd grains and very low product losses.
- During draining, the efficiency of the mixing tool ensures an homogeneous mix between the whey and the curd even at minimum working volume.
The design of the equipment makes the control of the equipment easy and safe. This is enhanced through the utilization of the LOGIVAT Software which offers an intuitive graphical user interface and advanced functionality.
Main features
- Capacities from 500 up to 18 000 l plus pilot vessels available in 10 and 30 l versions
- Bi-circular closed vessel entirely made of stainless steel
- Mixing tool with off-centred cinematic, cutter with razor blades
- Whey extraction by proportional outlet valve, rotate siphon or filtrating basket
- Jacket for heating and cooling
- Flat or conical bottom options.
User benefits
- Quality of the cheese (smoothness and homogeneity of the grains)
- High cheese producing rate (minimum product losses, full drainability)
- Production flexibility gained through the operator access to all parameters: speed of mixing and cutting tools, temperature, phase duration
- Reliability and traceability of the productions with LOGIVAT Software
- Fully cleanable in place equipment.