The Red biotechnologies … the manipulation of living forms for producing active pharmaceutical ingredients
The 5 colours of the biotechnologies
Red biotechnology brings together all the uses of biotechnology in the health field, and in particular the pharmaceutical industry. It includes the production of vaccines and antibiotics, the development of new drugs, molecular diagnostic techniques, regenerative therapies and the development of genetic engineering to cure diseases through genetic manipulation. Medicinal products derived from biotechnologies include, on the one hand, medicinal products the production of which is derived from living organisms or their cellular components, or medicinal products of synthetic chemistry, but the design of which involved biotechnologies through, for example, the identification of a new cellular target.
Pierre Guerin has become a key player in this field, offering its customers the unique know-how, in particular with equipment for the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) by biological means (fermentation & cell culture), blood derivatives, hormones such as insulin and growth hormones, anti-cancer agents and immunological products (monoclonal antibodies), therapeutic proteins, microbial and viral vaccines, etc. Our approach is oriented towards processes with high added value, using high-tech equipment, differentiated by their design quality, performance and reliability, finish and aesthetics.
Global biopharmaceutical offer Pierre Guerin & Equans.
In addition to Pierre Guerin’s experience as an expert in process equipment, Equans offers complementary solutions, such as technical infrastructure with HVAC utilities, refrigeration, clean rooms and also the production site (building, energy, utilities).